Exploring the Quora Topic Network around Computing & Gaming

By Jay Krall on August 20 2020 on , ,

Exploring the Quora Topic Network around Computing & Gaming

Recently, we launched the Quora Search API, giving you easy access to the full history of Quora back to the very first question in 2009. Now, let’s use the API to explore topics around computing.

By searching for posts tagged with any of a group of 10 topics like “Computers” and “PC Gaming”, I quickly built a set of about 1 million question threads across the entire history of Quora, with simple queries like this:


Quora Topic Network: Computing, Gaming, Hardware, Software & Laptops

Now I can see how closely related each of these topic areas are based on the co-occurrence of topics in similar question threads. Topics toward the center of the network, such as Computer Science and Servers, are more commonly mentioned with surrounding topics than topics toward the edges. The tight relationship between the Hardware and Gaming areas points to how passionate gamers share tips on the hardware required for specific games:

The Quora Search API makes it easy to explore Quora for deep insights on consumer opinion, even for a quick, ad hoc research project. Interested in learning more? Schedule a consultation here.