Social Listening vendor bake-off via Social Intelligence Lab

By Jim Reynolds on December 17 2019 on , , ,

Socialgist has had the unique position of being part of the social media measurement/monitoring/analytics & intelligence space from its inception in 2005. As we’ve watched our customers grow, expand, merge, get acquired and evolve, we’ve always been impressed by the ability of buyers to keep themselves informed in a rapidly changing market. From comments to firehoses to availability of data sources, the end users have always made it their point to be transparent with the social platforms about what they want, need and how they will transform to meet the ever-growing list of use cases.

The Social Intelligence Lab & Publicis have released a vendor bake-off and we appreciate the shout out in the research highlighting our data being a potential difference-maker in the volume of data being indexed by these platforms. We’re proud of our status as Reddit’s official data partner and it’s clear from the study which vendors use the licensed Reddit firehose and which use homegrown solutions dependent upon other data collection methods. Though reports like these never have all the answers, this one gives a look under the hood at what differentiates platforms from each other and gives a user-driven perspective of how these tools work operationally in contrast to the the enterprise vision presented by a Forrester or Gartner when ranking Social / CX technologies.

Give the report a read yourself and see what your take is and be sure to give them feedback on how to make reports like this better in the future. Feedback to these vendors is so key on making this industry better and keeping all of us on our toes.