Worried about churn? 83% of Martech buyers rip and replace software annually.

By Jim Reynolds on December 10 2019 on , , , ,

Hopefully that headline woke you up a little bit as you’re thinking about 2020 planning and building out your churn and decrease models. Scary thing is that it’s far too common. That list of features your customer has demanded, that source your sales team asked for, that integration you didn’t have time to complete. The boogey man is here and it’s marketers showing their willingness to take their business and give it to another vendor.


It’s all about the features and ease of use. Citing the research below, if your in CRM, BI or Marketing automation there is a 18%+ chance that customer is willing to rip and replace your platform.

How to defend against it?

Listen to the customer but also be sure to meet their needs and work closer with your upstream vendors like Socialgist to give them what they want before your competitor does.
